L.E.D. MIRAGE V3 =Delta Berunn 3007= / Volks 1:100 IMS Plastic Kit

LED Mirage V3 Delta Beruun 3007 is complete. It took longer than I wanted it to because of life getting in the way, but i'm happy with the results. The LED Mirage has always been one of my favorite Mortarheadds (what the robots from Five Star Stories are called). I think maybe it's nostalgia. It was the first one I ever saw, although, it does just look cool. This spear on this thing is 2ft long, which I guess is about 70cm to you guys using the wrong measuring system (jk), so I haven't figured out where to put it

The main painting was as follows: White armor: Mr Color Lascivus Clear White, with Mr Crystal Color Moonstone Pearl on top. Blue/Black waist and "mohawk": Gloss black with Mr Crystal Color Sapphire Blue over it. The frame is just straight up Mr Color Purple and the grey is a mix of some stuff.. it's in the manual, but I forgot what it was. Silver: Tamiya lacquer Sparkling Silver Gold: Gaianotes Star Bright Gold and... some detail bits with Vallejo I took pics of the frame too, so check them out. They're permanently covered with the armor now, so stuff like the Fatima cockpit in the head are sealed forever, but at least I have the photos.